Homebridge woes

Homebridge is an utterly brilliant project and I've been relying on it for several years, connecting all the little "smart" things around the house that don't have native Homekit support.

Recently an update to 0.4.49 broke the lot. Not the first time this happened, but this one was different from the times before. It just would not reconnect, not even as a completely empty config.

I'm not going to go into the details of how to set Homebridge up in this post, I'll leave that up to you to explore, if you wish. I'm using oznu/docker-homebridge.

Anyway, after working on it for the better part of the weekend, I came across a post on reddit mentioning the same problem(s) I've been experiencing, but this one had one additional bit of info in it, none of the other posts included:

"mdns": {
   "interface": "[YOUR INTERFACE IP]"

Adding this to my config at the very top, with the appropriate IP address, made Homebridge discoverable again!

Thank you very much u/tokeraabjerg!